Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Mood Swings in Children (part 1 of 2)

Mood swings are not especially common in children but they do occur. Depending on the cause, mood swings in children may give you a reason to worry. In any case, parents should seek professional help as well as doing what they can to reduce its frequency.

Possible Causes for Mood Swings in Children
Know why your child is suffering from mood swings and you’ll be in a better position to prevent them.

The Right Diet
Mood swings in children have various causes but in many cases, you can put the blame on something as simple as the wrong diet. Since children are still in the process of growing up, they need a lot of nutrition and energy. The wrong foods could make their bodies react negatively and since children don’t have yet the knowledge and maturity to understand the cause of these changes, their lack of comprehension could make them more prone to experiencing mood swings.

For the right diet, try serving your kids with a power breakfast abundant in healthy carbohydrates and lots of fiber. Train them to eat lots of greens and fruits, too.

Hereditary Factors
Children look like you because you’re his parent and he’s inherited his looks from you. Physical characteristics, however, are not the only ones they can inherit from you. If your family has a history of mood disorders like bipolar depression or anxiety, your child may have inherited it, too.

Poor Sleeping Habits
What time does your child go to bed? What time does he wake up? Does he get enough sleep in any case? Is he sleeping in an appropriate environment? Children need quality sleep much more than adults and when he doesn’t get the required hours of sleep each night, he’ll become more irritable and yes, more prone to mood swings as well.

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